Week 0

Review Ticket

Tech Talk 0 - Data Structures

Important Notes and Takeaways:

  • Data structures are used to organize data which are more sequences or tables of values rather than a single value
  • An example of this is a list of numbers
  • There are different types of data structures which are primitive and non-primitive
  • Primitive data structures are Integer, Floats, Strings, Booleans
  • Non-Primitive are Arrays, Lists (different types: linear, non-linear, stacks, graphs, queues, trees), Tuple, Dictionary, Set, File
  • Algorithms interact with data structures to create optimized code
  • Imperative programming uses statements to change a program’s states
  • Objected Oriented Programming uses classes and objects to create objects and instances of them -> constructors, encapsulation, abstraction, polymorphism
  • Common Data Structures are Arrays/Lists, Dictionaries/Hashmaps
  • Hashmap Example: Screen Shot 2022-03-13 at 9 41 05 PM
  • Algorithms always accompany data structures

Plans: Incorporate Challenges in Project and Correctly Implement them

  1. Create an alternative menu in Java with a data structure and try and catch which is dynamic, rather than simply having switch statements that are hardcoded. This will likely use abstraction because subclasses are needed.
  2. Create a java class that can swap two numbers based on value. It prints the numbers first in the order given, then switches them and organizes them by value -> prints this out.
  3. Use 2D arrays in Java to print a formatted matrix; this has a toString method to format and output a String and properly accessing values in the 2D Array

AP Exam Plan

  • Something that will be crucial for me to do well on AP exams is participating well on the assignments assigned to us in class and focusing on understanding as much about Java code as it is possible for me because it will all come in handy later when I do take the exam
  • Also, I will begin to review each of the progress check multiple-choice (MC) that we did in first trimester because they did a great job of testing us on relevant content that will be on the AP exam in the future
  • I have my journal also with a focus on the questions that I missed, so being able to check over that and do some revisions to make sure I do not get the same questions wrong multiple times
  • I can also look online on YouTube and CollegeBoard because they both have great videos with content that can clarify any questions I have on content that I did not understand in class and through the practice exercises I did
  • Lastly, I will review all of the frqs we did last trimester and redo them so I can make sure I retained all of the knowledge I learned last trimester -> this will not only help me practice for the type of questions on the AP EXAM but also reinforce content I am not confident in

I will follow these steps each week and do it with my team members so we can hold each other accountable for if we skip a day.

Data Structures Code and GitHub Tangibles

Week Code Snippets on Problems Solution Links to GitHub Code Snippets Replit for Runtime
0 Linked Here Linked here for challenge 2 (swap) Linked here