Week 1

Review Ticket

Data Structures Code and GitHub Tangibles

Week Code Snippets on Problems Solution Links to GitHub Code Snippets Replit for Runtime
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Describe Linked Lists:

  • Linked lists are data structures with objects of the same type
  • This is quite similar to an array list, though there are differences in terms of syntax, methods – their use cases are very similar as well
  • An example is -> LinkedList cars = new LinkedList();
  • .size() demonstrates the number of elements in a linked list
  • Elements can be added and removed exactly like array lists

Describe Java Generic T

  • Generic T is a data type parameter that refeences Java’s geeric class (parameterized over types)
  • Since it is an Object, anything can be passed in instead like Integer, String
  • This is very flexible and easy to use as a result